Netty Said…

Life of a College Kid
01/28/2010, 2:18 am
Filed under: In Review | Tags: , , ,

Sooooo after taking that lil’ hiatus from school I knew a fire would be lit under my ass.

Well, the fire has been lit.

It’s still burning.

Waning a bit but burning nonetheless.

I’m an econ major minoring in finance. [I’m money hungry, what can I say? I gotta be able to afford these shoes I keep posting about…] Lemme tell you, coming back, my classes are hawrder [yes hawrder] than last year but I’m good with the challenge.

ANYWHO I bring this up in order to list a few tips for new college kids or old ones who haven’t picked up on this yet…

Follow me….

1. Rent text books [ is your friend. No. Lie.]. College book stores will rip you off. They’ll sell a book for $200 and buy it back for $50 if you’re lucky. If anything, buy them used off of, or These sites will save you money. True testimony.

2. Scholarships and grants are the ish [free money is good money].

3. College kids may qualify for food stamps.

Excuse me, let me rephrase: If you’re a college student working up to 20 hours a week you may qualify. You have to apply and all that good stuff. Click here to find out more.

[Edit: If you don’t know what food stamps are, it’s where the government pays you to stock up your fridge. Yes, that’s right, government sponsored trips to Wal-Mart. They put your money on a debit card and you buy groceries. The government is actually doing something right for once. APPLY FOR IT! Worse thing they can do say is no.]

4. Also, if you’re working as a college student, you’re more than likely paying taxes. Well guess what, students can get a tax credit up to $4000. Now don’t quote me. Do your research. Click here to find out more.

5. Internships are the business. Traveling abroad is the shizz.

Seriously, nowadays you won’t get a job after school if you haven’t interned or traveled abroad. Wanna know why? Because your competition has interned twice and traveled abroad three times. Now it’s not cheap to do either. If you intern in a different city you might have to pay for housing etc. I suggest interning in your home town. Not only will you not have to pay for housing and food, but you’ll be in the comfort of your own home. Now if you have the money to intern ‘abroad’ then by all means. There are also ways to finance that type of thing. Just make sure you do your research.

Studying abroad you can set up with your school. It’s not that hard to find out how to do. Just ask around.

6. Time management is key. You no time manage, you no pass college.

7. Study hawrd. [Yes hawrd]. If you don’t study then you’re waisting your time. Why spend all that money to fail classes? That makes no sense.

8. Get to know your classmates. Study groups are always conducive [if you focus; studying with your friends will hinder you]. Branch out a lil’ bit and go outside your circle of friends.

9. Manage your space. People don’t like it when their roommates irk the shit out of them. Just like you wouldn’t like it if they irked the sam hell out of you. Be cognizant of who you’re living with.

10. Last but not least, enjoy college. Join a sorority or fraternity. Get involved on campus. Hell, venture off campus and explore the city. Do some stress relief!

Hope I helped a few of you out. Did I miss anything?

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Love the tips! I had no idea you could rent books, sweet! is my friend, I earn and learn there. I try not to buy anything full price unless I just need some instant gratification or retail therapy. Got a book for you to read (read the entire thing sitting in the bookstore) Crush It. Great read for college kids because it talks about making money doing something you’re passionate about. What better place to find that passion than on the college campus Happy reading

Comment by BagsNShoes2

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